Air Plants (Pack 3)

In Pack Three you will find a plant, but this plant is not growing in soil. This curious little creature is an Air Plant or Tillandsia.

These types of plants are native to Central America where they use their roots to cling to rocks, trees or other plants. They do not need roots to absorb nutrients, rather taking what they need from the air.

They do however, need water and sunlight to survive and to give your Air Plant the best chance you should soak it for several hours after you have unpacked it. Repeat this once a week.

Once you have done this you can go about deciding how to mount your Air Plant. One way of doing this is to look out for things you could mount your plant on while on a walk in the woods or at the beach. You can use a little wire (there is some in the pack) to help keep your plant in place.

Another idea is to make a Terrarium and the pack contains a glass jar and some gravel for this. The Air Plant can be placed into the gravel along with any other bits and pieces you might like to include.

If you look after your Air Plant it might flower one day.